Creditassur Inc.


Cabinet de courtage

65, Highridge Rd
Beaconsfield, QC
Canada H9W 5E9

Téléphone: 514 674-1227
Télécopieur: (514) 674-1277


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Description de l'entreprise

About us: Established in 2006, CreditAssur is a specialty Insurance
Brokerage Firm dealing exclusively in Trade Credit Insurance. Trade Credit, also known as Accounts Receivables Insurance, protects companies against bad debt losses on sales of undisputed non-payment and insolvency of their clients. Annual Premiums start at $10,000 / yr for SMEs, but can range well into 6 figures or more. CreditAssur holds a seat on the board of directors of the "Receivables Insurance Association of Canada" and as such, has access to the entire Canadian Market. We have a high client
retention ratio because of our best practices customer service approach.

Offres d'emploi


Il n'y a présentement aucun(e) Offres d’emploi.